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Who can report nursing home abuse in Ohio?

The National Center for Elder Abuse reports that two groups of people are abused in nursing homes more than others. These are older residents and female residents. In addition, the NCEA also reported that during a three-year period, a third of U.S. nursing homes received citations for violating federal standards. Violations where residents were in danger of serious injury or death occurred in one in 10 nursing homes.

So, who can report nursing home abuse? A complaint about nursing home abuse can be filed by anyone. However, in Ohio, there are several professionals who must report nursing home abuse according to law. These include:

— Nurses

— Doctors

— Physical therapists

— Social workers

— Emergency response personnel

— Lawyers

— Law enforcement

Some of the more common forms of nursing home abuse include:

— Physical abuse, such as bed sores, restraint marks, broken bones and bruises.

— Neglect, including malnourishment, dehydration, poor hygiene and soiled bedding.

— Sexual assault, including bruises or bleeding in the genital area and bloodied or torn underwear.

— Verbal abuse, including visible anger or depression, fear of some people and mumbling.

— Behavioral or emotional changes, including withdrawal, fear, crying, social isolation or agitation.

— False imprisonment, including leaving a resident without their crutches, canes or wheelchairs, or by threatening the resident.

— Financial abuse, including modifying a will or trust due to pressure from another person or the theft of bank account information.

When you report suspected nursing home abuse and neglect, you are demanding that whoever perpetrated the abuse must be held accountable. If you do not receive what you consider is appropriate action on the complaint, then you should call Adult Protective Services in the Ohio county where the nursing home is located. You may also call the state Department of Health or the Department of Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman. You can also notify the local police department.

An attorney can help you file a complaint about nursing home neglect or abuse. He or she can also provide information on how to seek compensation on your loved one’s behalf for the injuries he or she suffered.

Source:,”Anyone Can Report Nursing Home Abuse in Ohio,” accessed Nov. 08, 2016