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Children: Injuries can be heartbreaking and devastating

In car crashes, one of the most tragic things to see is children who are suffering and hurt. Often, children are safer than others in vehicles, because they have special safety seats and belts to protect them. Sadly, even with these safety features, there’s no way to prevent all injuries or deaths.

Children suffer a variety of injuries in crashes, but head injuries were the most common, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Those under 1 year old had the highest rate of head injuries compared to those in other age groups. They were also more likely to have thoracic injuries.

What is the most common injury children suffer in car crashes?

The most common injuries include cerebrum injuries, which are lacerations or contusions. These were the most common types of head injuries and most likely to affect those 1 and under. Children between 1 and 3 and 4 and 7 were more likely to suffer from skull base fractures in comparison.

Due to the design of safety seats, children under the age of 1 were the most likely to suffer from fractured ribs, while older children were more likely to suffer from lung injuries during collisions.

What should you do if your child is involved in a collision?

If your child is involved in a collision, your first priority is to call 911 and have medical teams come to your location. Be as thorough and accurate as you can be when you call. You need to say how many people you believe have been injured and the kinds of injuries they have, so the emergency medical team can be prepared when it arrives.

Once the medical team arrives, you and anyone else who was involved in a crash should go to the hospital for treatment. You may need to go separately or together with your child, depending on your own injuries and how you’re being transported.

Finally, after your child is in good hands and you are stable, it’s time to reach out to your attorney. Your attorney can talk to you about what to expect as you file a claim and seek compensation for the medical care and injuries your child has suffered.

Over time, you’ll be able to see a better representation of how your child is recovering. You’ll be able to use this, along with receipts, medical bills and other documentation, to make a claim.